Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Reading Fool...

Ever since the "storm of the year" (at least to us), the remnants of Hurricane Ike, I have been a reading fool. Our electricity was turned off for three days (many others had their electricity off for much longer) and I read "The Shack." It took me awhile to decide to read it, but I finished it in two days. Wow, a captivating well-written book!
In an unconventional way, the Holy Trinity is revealed to a grieving father whose young daughter was murdered. The question of "Why do horrific tragedies happen to good people?" is explored and I find the explanation to be a help. The lead character, Mackenzie (Mack), had a hateful relationship with his own father, so God is portrayed as a loving African American woman who cooks up a storm. Jesus is a middle Eastern man and is a carpenter, naturally (Mack relates to Him the most). The Holy Spirit is an ethereal Asian woman, and as a Spirit, she is both seen, but not seen, if that makes sense. Mack is taken on a spiritual journey and is changed by it. My favorite message of the book is that God is Love and we are free to accept Him, and He will always love us no matter what we choose, although it grieves Him. Matter in fact, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are crazy in love with Mack and with each other. This is often depicted in humorous loving moments. Eventually, Mack finds the way to forgive, both his father and his daughter's killer. I will say no more, because I don't want to tell all, just read the book for yourself.

The other books that I am reading are:

Nights in Rodanthe - I started this book several years ago, I believe, but never finished it. I'm only 85 pages into it this time, but it is a simple love story about two "not so young" (sorry, Richard Gere and Diane Lane) divorced people who find love in each other in an ocean side B&B in the Carolinas (naturally for Nicholas Sparks). It's a fun read and I was in the mood for a love story....I'm just sayin'. Besides that, the movie came out last week and I am going to see it with my mother-in-law (who is equally into sappy love stories...hi, Janet!) in a few weeks when I visit with her in Albuquerque (can't wait!)

The Chronicles of Narnia - Yes, all seven books. I am listening to the books on CD while I am in the car. I am on The Horse and His Boy, the third book. I've read (listened to) The Magician's Nephew and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The series is a drama with different voices and sound effects (produced by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre). It is well done. I read several of the books to my kids when they were little and they loved them.

Also, I read a mystery/fantasy book during the week of the storm. It was a departure from my usual reading habits, but sometimes you just have to read something different..... What is the name of this book? I'm just NOT sayin'.....

Bible Studies - I'm doing the Beth Moore study "Stepping Up." It focuses on the Psalms of Ascent and is excellent! For a change, I am not trying to do two studies at once (which explains why I am reading so many books :-)

I have a ton of books that I haven't read, but I just have to be in the mood for them. Maybe I'll get to some of them soon. Hopefully.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Cincinnati Museum

A few weeks ago, in late August, my friend Traci and I went to the Cincinnati Museum to see Bodies - The Exhibition. If you want to learn more about this exhibit, go to http://www.bodiestheexhibition.com/ I decided not to include any pictures of the exhibit itself out of respect for those who have queasy stomachs. (I couldn't take any pictures of the exhibit anyway because it was prohibited.) But we did get to see real life bodies, organs, blood vessels, bones, and whole systems in bodily form. I came away with a renewed appreciation of God's miraculous design of our spirit's temporary "home," the human body.
The Cincinnati museum (formerly Cincinnati Union Terminal) is a cool building in itself. The rotunda has colorful mosaics depicting the history of transportation and growth of Cincinnati. Go to http://www.cincymuseum.org/ to see historical photos and better color photos.

Cincinnati Museum (formerly Cincinnati Union Terminal)

Traci and I meet at last! Isn't the Cincinnati skyline great?! Hey, that reminds me of Skyline Chili.....sorry, I'm hungry.


These are wall mosaics depicting the history and growth of Cincinnati.

The front windows of the rotunda.

The rotunda of Cincinnati Union Terminal.

Mosaic murals represent Cincinnati's history of transportation and growth.

The south Mosaic represents the history of American transportation.

Detail of train mosaic located next to the Cincinnati Historical Society Library lower level (this was moved from the concourse).

Full sized picture of the train mosaic next to the Cincinnati Historical Society Library.

The information desk in the rotunda area.

The Terminal fountain with Cincinnati hills in background.

The Terminal fountain and plaza.