Thursday, January 29, 2009

No Power, Part Two

Our tree by the garage. Suffered damage in the September windstorm, but the ice storm really did it in....poor tree.

Our neighborhood with branches down and a power line in the road.
I used to feel smug when others lost their electricity during storms because we hardly ever lost power. Yeah, I'll admit it...not proud though. Well, this is the second time in 4 1/2 months that we have lost power to our home. The first was in September after the craziest windstorm that Kentucky has experienced in my lifetime. It was due to the remnants of Hurricane Ike and we had trees, branches and about everything else blown by the wind, breaking and snapping off like crazy! We lost power and were without for three days, but many more people lost their power for five to seven days. Luckily, it was during a rather mild period, weather-wise, with temperatures in the 70's and low 80's.
On Wednesday, we had another crazy storm...this time with snow and ice. We got up about 3 AM on Wednesday to the sound of tree branches snapping off and transformers popping and exploding. We even had a fire in our neighborhood (I guess it was one of the transformers catching something on fire). Our tree by the garage looked like a tornado hit it. It sustained damage during the September windstorm, but this storm topped it. Our neighbor lost her cherry tree and one of her apple trees. We lost electrical power about 6:30 AM on Wednesday. Last night we slept at home armed with three layers of clothes and three blankets. The temperature in the house this morning was 48 degrees (which surprised me because I thought that it would go lower, it was in the 20's outside). We stood all we could stand and returned to Kristin's house around noon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Finally Christmas 2008

I'm finally posting Christmas 2008 pictures.
Christmas Eve we gathered at our home with Dad, Jan, and the kids, grandkids, etc.
After Christmas, on Boxing Day, we had our annual White Castle feast at Aunt Elaine's condo with the Winebrenner family.
Somehow, I didn't take any pictures on Christmas when we met in Lexington?! I guess I was tired or lazy or something. I'll edit if I receive pics from someone else.

Cherith and Mike

Michael was hungry, believe it or not.

Ryan and Mike.

Kara and Steve.


Ryan and Daron.


Dylan and Kristin.

Michael (Kara and Pappaw in background).

Jan, Michael, Kara, Pappaw.


Michael, Daron and Dylan.

Michael lovin' his bike.

Dylan in his Chippendale mood.

Baby Chippendale Dylan.

Boxing Day at Aunt Elaine's.

Sherri and Maddie.

Kara and Elaine.
Alex, Max and Dusty.
Lovely Nativity.

Maddie and Max.


Paula, Grandmother and Elaine.

Linda, Paula, Sherri and Grandmother.

Elaine, Derek, Sherri, Steve and Eddie.
Denise and Julie.

Sherri, Kara and Elaine.

Dawn, Linda, Julie and Grandmother.